“Apple may maintain custody of the software, destroy it after its purpose under the order has been served, refuse to disseminate it outside of Apple and make clear to the world that it does not apply to other devices or users without lawful court orders,” the Justice Department told Judge Sheri Pym. “No one outside Apple would have access to the software required by the order unless Apple itself chose to share it.” This has pitted the Apple with the Obama administration as verbal and legal battles are catching heat with every passing day. Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for Presidency known for his controversial statements has jumped into the fray and called for a complete boycott of the the company until and unless it does not act on FBI’s request. The Justice Department of the state has also said that though Apple has all the technical abilities to comply with the court order issued this week but will be tied due to marketing strategy. “Apple markets its products to promote and allow technology rather than law” the filing of the Justice Department states. Apple executives said during a call with reporters Friday that the company had worked with federal officials and investigators to try to gain access to Syed Farook’s iPhone. The executives, who insisted on anonymity to speak freely amid ongoing legal proceedings, said they went to the FBI in early January with four suggestions, including a workaround using iCloud. Prosecutors noted the four methods and their “deficiencies” in a footnote in their Friday court filing. The magistrate then on Tuesday ordered Apple to provide FBI with highly specialized software that could be loaded onto the work-issued iPhone 5C used by Farook who was involved in an attack that killed 14 people in December in San Bernardino. The judge had later  instructed Apple to create the software for the FBI and further allowing it to retain the possession of the software after the FBI completes its use. “Apple’s written objection, already signaled by Cook in a message to Apple customers, is due next Friday” , the Seattletimes.com reported. Apple is under the pressure of US Government which is forcing it to unlock the iPhone used by the attacker. If you loved this article, share it !


US Says Apple Can Retain Possession of the Hacking Software - 92US Says Apple Can Retain Possession of the Hacking Software - 52US Says Apple Can Retain Possession of the Hacking Software - 4US Says Apple Can Retain Possession of the Hacking Software - 9